The Democratic Party Needs Reform
If the Democratic Party hopes to make any gains this November and in 2008, they will need a major overhaul of their leadership, image, and their message, plain and simple. The Democrats in Washington have lost touch with the vast “Silent Majority” of American people that President Nixon once spoke of. From the Global War on Terrorism, to immigration reform, homeland security and the values that Americans hold dear, the Democrats have positioned themselves as weak, appeasing Europhiles, whose hatred of President Bush has blinded them to the realities of the global Islamist threat while preventing the Democratic leadership from developing any coherent war strategy or foreign policy.
Democratic double talk about “strengthening America at home” and troop “redeployment” just makes most Americans scratch their head and go “Huh?” Strengthen America here at home? We haven’t been attacked since 9/11; and where would the Democrats propose we “re-deploy” the troops we pull out of Iraq? Cleveland? We’re fighting Al Qaeda and their allied Islamist groups in Iraq, Afghanistan, and places where we already are. Is the Democratic Party fighting the same war everyone else is?
We’re in big trouble, people, and I’m a Democrat! Joe Lieberman was one of the few party giants who realized that despite one’s personal feelings for President Bush, the man, for better or worse, was taking the fight where it needed to be—to the enemy! So what can we—as Democrats—do to return our party to the glory days of FDR and JFK, and away from all we seem to be able to offer anybody—Bush-hatred?
For one thing, FORGET ABOUT BUSH! Can we get off him already? It’s killing us! George W. Bush didn’t steal any elections. He won them fair and square. We lost. Let’s move on. Besides, President Bush is halfway into his second term. He’s going to be history soon, and there’s nothing anybody can do about it. Then the conduct of the war and the direction that our nation takes might be our problem, so let’s be careful what we wish for. The Democrats need to put a halt to any and all talk of impeaching Bush. We need to stop saying he lied to America about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction—everybody knows he didn’t. There are books about it. You can find his exact quotes.
We need to stop the propaganda that Bush took America to war in Iraq “unilaterally,” without the consent of Congress or the U.N. These are lies that just make Democrats look stupid, whiny, and vindictive. Bush had the authorization of Congress, he had the authorization of the U.N.—hell he was enforcing U.N. resolutions authorizing force against Saddam Hussein’s government! I’m not making this up, all of this can be found out there—look it up. And yes, Bush assembled a coalition of almost thirty nations for this effort, including the UK, Spain, Italy, and Poland. He did not “go it alone.”
Secondly, we need to get rid of the “Michael Moore” wing of the Democratic Party. These people aren’t Democrats. Who knows what they are? They might not even be Americans. The collection of Bush-hating Hollywood crackpots like Martin Sheen and Whoopi Goldberg; along with the radicals and socialists like Cindi Sheehan, Nancy Pelosi, Henry Reid, Maxine Waters, and (thank goodness she was voted out of office) Cynthia McKinney—that enemy of American law enforcement—are doing more to prevent Democrats from being elected that anything Bush could do. If Senator Hillary Clinton doesn’t become the first American woman to be elected President of the United States, it will be the fault of Democratic “Michael Moore” types. Sweep them out of office. We need to purge our leadership of these folks. They need to break away and form their own progressive socialist party or something.
How else can we clean up our act? The Democrats need to stop sucking up to Europe and the United Nations. They are not going to help us. A lot of the time they are trying to hurt us or see that we hurt ourselves. The Democratic Party is correct to cherish long-standing foreign alliances and to value diplomacy, but not blindly and with just anybody. A perfect example is France. Aside from nefarious business ventures with Saddam Hussein’s government on the eve of the launch of the Iraq Campaign in 2003, the French authorities actually provided information and “blueprints” to the Iraqi military regarding many of the weapons systems that the U.S. was prepared to use against them. It becomes quite clear why France and the United Nations were opposed to military action against Saddam’s regime. After all, U.N. Secretary General Khofi Annan was up to his neck in the “Food for Oil” scandal with Saddam Hussein.
What else can we do? President Bush and the Republican Party have been weak on immigration reform. But are the Democrats stepping up? No, and I’ll tell you why in a single word—AMNESTY! As long as we are perceived as the party supporting calls for amnesty for illegals, we’re doomed. The Democrats need to come forward with a realistic, definitive program for stopping the flow of illegal immigration while addressing the threat to our security that a porous border poses. The Democrats need to call for an end to “slave labor” wages that encourage the hiring of illegal immigrants while hurting American workers. Yes, paying American workers “American wages” would make the costs of everything rise, but that also means that salaries across the board would be raised too, evening it all out. I wouldn’t mind paying $20 for a head of lettuce if I was making $150,000 a year!
The Democrats are going to win the White House during this war. It is inevitable. The Global War on Terrorism—which may very well become World War III—isn’t going to end soon. In fact, our children in pre-school and Kindergarten today might be in uniform in fifteen years, fighting it. So we need to do more than the current administration has to prepare the American people for the struggle ahead. My biggest complaint against President Bush isn’t the cockamamie things Democrats have been harping on for the past five years. My concern is that Bush hasn’t done enough. He has yet to come out and identify Islamic fascism as the “enemy,” not “terrorism.” He has failed to put America on a “war economy,” nor has he asked Americans to sacrifice anything for the war effort. These are things that the Democrats need to start thinking about.
How’s this for a scary scenario—in less than twenty years, France will be an Islamic Regime, and the moon and crescent will fly over several other European capitals on that continent’s way to becoming an Islamic caliphate. What will we, as Democrats, be talking about then?
If the Democratic Party hopes to make any gains this November and in 2008, they will need a major overhaul of their leadership, image, and their message, plain and simple. The Democrats in Washington have lost touch with the vast “Silent Majority” of American people that President Nixon once spoke of. From the Global War on Terrorism, to immigration reform, homeland security and the values that Americans hold dear, the Democrats have positioned themselves as weak, appeasing Europhiles, whose hatred of President Bush has blinded them to the realities of the global Islamist threat while preventing the Democratic leadership from developing any coherent war strategy or foreign policy.
Democratic double talk about “strengthening America at home” and troop “redeployment” just makes most Americans scratch their head and go “Huh?” Strengthen America here at home? We haven’t been attacked since 9/11; and where would the Democrats propose we “re-deploy” the troops we pull out of Iraq? Cleveland? We’re fighting Al Qaeda and their allied Islamist groups in Iraq, Afghanistan, and places where we already are. Is the Democratic Party fighting the same war everyone else is?
We’re in big trouble, people, and I’m a Democrat! Joe Lieberman was one of the few party giants who realized that despite one’s personal feelings for President Bush, the man, for better or worse, was taking the fight where it needed to be—to the enemy! So what can we—as Democrats—do to return our party to the glory days of FDR and JFK, and away from all we seem to be able to offer anybody—Bush-hatred?
For one thing, FORGET ABOUT BUSH! Can we get off him already? It’s killing us! George W. Bush didn’t steal any elections. He won them fair and square. We lost. Let’s move on. Besides, President Bush is halfway into his second term. He’s going to be history soon, and there’s nothing anybody can do about it. Then the conduct of the war and the direction that our nation takes might be our problem, so let’s be careful what we wish for. The Democrats need to put a halt to any and all talk of impeaching Bush. We need to stop saying he lied to America about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction—everybody knows he didn’t. There are books about it. You can find his exact quotes.
We need to stop the propaganda that Bush took America to war in Iraq “unilaterally,” without the consent of Congress or the U.N. These are lies that just make Democrats look stupid, whiny, and vindictive. Bush had the authorization of Congress, he had the authorization of the U.N.—hell he was enforcing U.N. resolutions authorizing force against Saddam Hussein’s government! I’m not making this up, all of this can be found out there—look it up. And yes, Bush assembled a coalition of almost thirty nations for this effort, including the UK, Spain, Italy, and Poland. He did not “go it alone.”
Secondly, we need to get rid of the “Michael Moore” wing of the Democratic Party. These people aren’t Democrats. Who knows what they are? They might not even be Americans. The collection of Bush-hating Hollywood crackpots like Martin Sheen and Whoopi Goldberg; along with the radicals and socialists like Cindi Sheehan, Nancy Pelosi, Henry Reid, Maxine Waters, and (thank goodness she was voted out of office) Cynthia McKinney—that enemy of American law enforcement—are doing more to prevent Democrats from being elected that anything Bush could do. If Senator Hillary Clinton doesn’t become the first American woman to be elected President of the United States, it will be the fault of Democratic “Michael Moore” types. Sweep them out of office. We need to purge our leadership of these folks. They need to break away and form their own progressive socialist party or something.
How else can we clean up our act? The Democrats need to stop sucking up to Europe and the United Nations. They are not going to help us. A lot of the time they are trying to hurt us or see that we hurt ourselves. The Democratic Party is correct to cherish long-standing foreign alliances and to value diplomacy, but not blindly and with just anybody. A perfect example is France. Aside from nefarious business ventures with Saddam Hussein’s government on the eve of the launch of the Iraq Campaign in 2003, the French authorities actually provided information and “blueprints” to the Iraqi military regarding many of the weapons systems that the U.S. was prepared to use against them. It becomes quite clear why France and the United Nations were opposed to military action against Saddam’s regime. After all, U.N. Secretary General Khofi Annan was up to his neck in the “Food for Oil” scandal with Saddam Hussein.
What else can we do? President Bush and the Republican Party have been weak on immigration reform. But are the Democrats stepping up? No, and I’ll tell you why in a single word—AMNESTY! As long as we are perceived as the party supporting calls for amnesty for illegals, we’re doomed. The Democrats need to come forward with a realistic, definitive program for stopping the flow of illegal immigration while addressing the threat to our security that a porous border poses. The Democrats need to call for an end to “slave labor” wages that encourage the hiring of illegal immigrants while hurting American workers. Yes, paying American workers “American wages” would make the costs of everything rise, but that also means that salaries across the board would be raised too, evening it all out. I wouldn’t mind paying $20 for a head of lettuce if I was making $150,000 a year!
The Democrats are going to win the White House during this war. It is inevitable. The Global War on Terrorism—which may very well become World War III—isn’t going to end soon. In fact, our children in pre-school and Kindergarten today might be in uniform in fifteen years, fighting it. So we need to do more than the current administration has to prepare the American people for the struggle ahead. My biggest complaint against President Bush isn’t the cockamamie things Democrats have been harping on for the past five years. My concern is that Bush hasn’t done enough. He has yet to come out and identify Islamic fascism as the “enemy,” not “terrorism.” He has failed to put America on a “war economy,” nor has he asked Americans to sacrifice anything for the war effort. These are things that the Democrats need to start thinking about.
How’s this for a scary scenario—in less than twenty years, France will be an Islamic Regime, and the moon and crescent will fly over several other European capitals on that continent’s way to becoming an Islamic caliphate. What will we, as Democrats, be talking about then?